Saturday, May 31, 2008

Approaching Summer

From her perch on the railing, Rose usually sees me before I see her. In either event, she does not mind the constant click of my camera.
During quiet moments--or after she's done eating peanuts or digging in the pots--Rose relaxes and cleans herself on the railing of the deck.
While the baby squirrels are busy joining their relatives in stealing seeds from the birdfeeder, they have yet to learn how to dangle upside down, as this veteran squirrel adroitly demonstrates.
The last day of May feels like the first day of summer. The heat and humidity have suddenly been turned on like a faucet. Along with them, the chipmunks are visible during longer periods throughout the day.

A routine is slowly developing: Chip-Chip now guards his territory around the front step, excavates around the foundation, and makes the occasional dangerous trip across the road to the neighbor's garage. Chipper lounges atop the wren house when he's not exploring the wood pile or being stalked by squirrels. And Rose remains nearby on the deck, chirping at times as if to remind me of my obligation to drop a few peanuts and at other times to scold the squirrels or birds for chasing her away from her food. She also explores the pots, digs in the plants, rubs her belly on the cool dirt, runs up to me, seemingly begging for a peanut, only to ignore it, and scampers off, playing the tease.

Rose is clearly the most vocal of the three chipmunks--and also the tamest. I wonder why.

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