Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Let's Set the Stage, Geographically

Chip-Chip and his companions have chosen to live in the state of Minnesota, which is in the upper midwest part of the United States.

It is now April, and Chip-Chip has been out and about for a little over a week. What woke him from his hibernation, I'll never know. (I understand that it has something to do with temperature, but around here the ground is still nearly frozen. If I were a chipmunk, I'd be reaching for more electric blankets.)

He's been so happy--or as happy as chipmunks tend to be, under uncertain conditions and the persistent threats of cats, hawks, and teenage drivers--that he's been scampering about, testing his legs, getting back in shape. He probably should have slept in. A blizzard with several inches of snow is predicted within the next few days. Chip-Chip may have to crawl back under the covers. I hope he didn't spend too much time making his bed. Life can be like that.

Sometimes, it's best to sleep as late as possible.

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