Monday, July 14, 2008

A Possible Answer as to Why the Chipmunks have become Scarce

Here is my current working theory, based on the assumption that a population explosion of critters leads to a corrective population reduction response by other critters: In other words, just as the squirrels have stalked the chipmunks for their peanuts, and just as the chipmunks have stalked me--to see what I'm watching on TV--and just as just about everything is stalking the 13-lined ground squirrels and the plethora of bunnies, the stray cat population--now up to two--has begun stalking any of the critters unfortunate enough to get caught unwary.

I chase them away, but sometimes too late, when they already have a critter casualty in their bloodthirsty mouths.

Which leads to this small request on my part: KEEP YOUR DAMN CATS IN YOUR OWN DAMN YARD!!!! (See previous posts about how much damage cats can wreak on wildlife.)

Thank you.

It's 9:55 pm. Do you know where your cat is? YOU DAMN WELL BETTER!

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